Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback

What is Quantum Biofeedback and how can it help you

What is Quantum Biofeedback and how can it help you

It is an energy medicine device that controls and balances the body at a subtle level of energy. Treatments include the following methods: naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, active medicine, psychology, aromatherapy, reflexology, color therapy, neurolinguistic programming and biofeedback. It also incorporates knowledge of metaphysical subjects to provide affirmations for mental release of toxins.

Every cell, organ, meridian and emotion has a characteristic electromagnetic signature. The disease can start as an active disorder which can be detected. The body’s subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the subtle energies of the body appear much earlier than the obvious physical illness. The device communicates with the body to determine which energy imbalances affect personal health the most. It is calibrated to measure the body’s subtle reactions to a database of biological and psychological items in electromagnetic form. The program offers information specifically for subtle actions – emotional and stress, nutritional needs, toxins, food sensitivities, digestive and nutritional needs, etc.

Biofeedback with Hypnotherapy

Through the techniques we have as space we have observed that quantum biofeedback works much more directly when the individual is in a guided state of hypnosis. This leads us to be able to share with you this simultaneous dual treatment. The quantum biofeedback device communicates with the body to determine which energy imbalances, physical, mental and emotional anxieties most affect personal health and can locate even deeper roots as the brain enters delta-gamma waves through hypnotherapy.

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You can call us daily 9.00 – 17.00