Spineworks Therapy
Spineworks Therapy
What is Spineworks Therapy and how can it help you
What is Spineworks Therapy and how can it help you
Spineworks therapy acknowledges that every human body has a unique story to tell. An individual can be benefited from therapy regardless of being in pain or not. The gist of Spinework technique therapy is that it acts as a precaution. This is translated to the wholeness of the human body as a gesture of love, respect and empathy.
Spinework therapy, an alternative therapeutic method that recovers the healthy state of the skeleton and relieves any pain. This can be achieved through neuromuscle and peritoneal techniques to the musculoskeletal system and the viscus.
The main focus of this therapy is the spine, initiating from the brain, stretching to the sacrum and spreading to the rest of the human body. This method offers skeleton redeployment as well as relief to muscle and skeletal pain.
Spineworks has a solid holistic root since it merges strategies and techniques from lymphatic massage, cupping and electrotherapy. This combination offers segue and complete results to the patient.
Given that, muscle perfusion is succeeded and flexibility is restored for every body molecule. Specifically, muscle arousal and tissue discongention is reestablished for incidents concerning lack of movement. Spinework provides to the patients a set of useful exercises, that focuses on breathing, the source of life. The perspective, and the fundamental essence of Spinework Therapy, is the body’s movement. Precisely, it heals the body and mind equally in a physical, psychological and mental manner. Its character is energetic, meaning that the person who puts it into practice for the patient, can heal him with the love of his practice.